On this page:

Accessing Checklist Templates Directly from Checklists

Normal checklist permissions will apply here. If you do not have permission to manage a checklist, you will not be able to open the template.

A permission denied message when trying to access a template without permission.
A permission denied message when trying to access a template without permission.

Direct access from a Jira checklist

The open template button which users can see in a Jira issue after clicking the ... menu in the top right of a checklist.
The open template button which users can see in a Jira issue after clicking the ... menu in the top right of a checklist.

Direct access from Confluence checklist

The open template button from a checklist which is publicly available and the user is viewing in the customer portal.
The open template button from a checklist which is publicly available and the user is viewing in the customer portal.

Link to this page: https://seibert.biz/accesstemplatesfromchecklists