On this page:

Didit API references

Our API reference page is located here. This document shows you how to use some of its functions.

Getting started

In order to use our reference page you will need to create an API key in Didit. After that, make sure you authorize our API reference page to test it out


It’s important that you type “ApiKey ” before you input your API key. The space after “ApiKey” is required. Your input to the authorize field should look something like this.

ApiKey 09235lkjaslkdfj23509sdfjl134-=`-24jlkasflkj2019358lkjasfklnlkxncasdfojh12498yjkn235n23kj53

Get all templates

One of the first API functions you might want to use is to get all templates. You can do this with our reference page. Be sure to click “Try out” first and then “Execute” to see how it works. The result will provide you with a curl script which can help you run the same function from your own machine.


Create a new checklist template

Another handy API function is to create a template. You can do this with our reference page. Be sure to first authorize your account and then click “Try out” and then “Execute” to see how it works. If successful, you can see the new template in your instance. We provide some dummy checklist items to show you how to format your request. You can edit this to have your own checklist tasks, titles, and descriptions. There are a number of other options available to you when creating a template via API, check out the code on the reference page to discover more.


Update a checklist task in a checklist instance

You can also update the status of individual tasks in a Didit checklist instance using our API reference page. On top of this, you can add a note to the task or add an image. To find the instanceID, look at the end of the URL for the target checklist instance.


Create a checklist instance based on a checklist template

This API function allows you to create a checklist instance from a template. Using our reference page, you just need to reference the template UID in the first row and give the new checklist instance a name in the second row.


Create a template-less checklist instance

You can create ad-hoc checklists via API as well. You just need to have a checklist name as well as a UID and title for each of your tasks. The reference page provides you with a good JSON template to start creating your code.


Link to this page: https://seibert.biz/diditapiguide