On this page:

Descriptions of checklist tasks

In a checklist template

Descriptions in your checklist help you to give users a better idea of how and when to use your checklist. Follow the instructions below to add descriptions to a checklist in the Didit hub for Jira or Confluence. .

  1. The Didit hub with the apps dropdown open and the Didit - Checklists option highlighted.
    The Didit hub with the apps dropdown open and the Didit - Checklists option highlighted.

    The manage templates section of the Didit hub with the mouse hovering over the target template to show the edit pencil icon.
    The manage templates section of the Didit hub with the mouse hovering over the target template to show the edit pencil icon.
  2. Click the pencil icon from the above screenshot above and edit the checklist template task descriptions as you see fit.

    The template detail view with the target task description highlighted.
    The template detail view with the target task description highlighted.
  3. Be sure to save your checklist template when you are finished!

    The Didit template detail view with the Save changes button highlighted.
    The Didit template detail view with the Save changes button highlighted.

Directly in a checklist

Descriptions in your checklist help you to give users a better idea of how and when to use your checklist. Follow the instructions below to add descriptions to a checklist. This can be in the Didit hub for Jira or Confluence, on a Confluence page, or in a Jira issue.

  1. A Jira issue view with the Didit panel highlighted.
    A Jira issue view with the Didit panel highlighted.
  2. Click the ”…” in the top right of the checklist and then “Edit Checklist.”

    The Didit panel in a Jira issue with the ... menu open and the Edit checklist button highlighted.
    The Didit panel in a Jira issue with the ... menu open and the Edit checklist button highlighted.
  3. Click the ”…” on the Checklist task and select “Add description”

    A checklist with the mouse hovered over a task, the ... menu clicked and the Add description button highlighted.
    A checklist with the mouse hovered over a task, the ... menu clicked and the Add description button highlighted.
  4. Edit the task description as you see fit and be sure to save your checklist template when you are finished!

    A checklist with the task description highlighted.
    A checklist with the task description highlighted.

Link to this page: https://seibert.biz/diditdescriptionsofchecklisttasks