On this page:

How to use the Didit automation wizard


  1. Jira with the apps menu open and the Didit - Checklists option highlighted.
    Jira with the apps menu open and the Didit - Checklists option highlighted.
  2. Make sure you are on the “Manage templates” section.

    The Didit hub with the manage templates section highlighted.
    The Didit hub with the manage templates section highlighted.
  3. Click the ”…” menu on the right side of the template that you would like to use in an automation. Then click “Automation wizard.”

    A Didit template selected with the ... menu open and the automation wizard button highlighted.
    A Didit template selected with the ... menu open and the automation wizard button highlighted.
  4. Choose if you want to “Create a checklist from a template” or “Replace metadata for a checklist.” These are the two actions you can perform on checklists.

    The first steps in the automaiton wizard where you can choose the action you would like to perform.
    The first steps in the automaiton wizard where you can choose the action you would like to perform.
  5. Follow the rest of the steps depending on which option you choose.

    Here we are choosing the action for our checklist create action. We can choose to replace, append, add, or fail the checklist template. Add is especially important if you want to add multiple checklists to one issue. Fail means we won’t add a checklist if one already exists.

    The second step in the automation wizard to choose what you would like to do with the checklist and existing issue checklists.
    The second step in the automation wizard to choose what you would like to do with the checklist and existing issue checklists.

    And here we are choosing some information to set metadata

    The select metadata step in the automation wizard.
    The select metadata step in the automation wizard.
  6. Copy the values you need for your automation rule and paste them into the corresponding fields in the set entity. When you are done, you can click “Cancel.”

    The result of the automation wizard which you can plug into a set issue property automation action.
    The result of the automation wizard which you can plug into a set issue property automation action.
Execution RuleExplanation
ReplaceReplace any existing checklists with the new one.
AppendIf checklists already exist in teh issue, the headings and tasks from the selected checklist template are appended to every existing checklist. Note that the template’s metadata is ignored, and any previously completed tasks in the checklist remain unchanged.
AddAdds a new checklist to the issue, in addition to any already present.
FailNo new checklist will be created if there are checklists present in the issue.



Link to this page: https://seibert.biz/diditautomationwizard