On this page:

How to migrate all checklists from Checklist for Jira

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our initial preparation steps before starting the individual migration process.

We assume in this documentation that you’re using one of the three versions of Checklists for Jira and are willing to update all your existing checklists in your Jira instance. This can be Checklists for Jira (Free), Checklists for Jira (Pro), or Checklists for Jira (Enterprise). If you do not want to migrate all your data, check out our individual migration feature.

Jira administrator permission required.

For bulk migration we require Jira administrator permission or higher. If you do not have this permission, please reach out to your Jira admin for help.

  1. Admin cog dropdown open in Jira with the apps button highlighted.
    Admin cog dropdown open in Jira with the apps button highlighted.
  2. Find the Didit section on the left side and look for the “Import” button.

  3. Your “Migration sources” will default to whichever Checklists for Jira app version you currently have installed.

    Multiple versions installed

    If you have multiple versions installed, be sure to choose the one which you wish to migrate the data from. In the end, you may see checklists from both versions migrated, even if you do not select a version because Checklists for Jira stores the data in the same way for each version.

    Choose to “Add” or “Replace” the existing Didit checklists in Jira issues.

    The Didit global migration screen with the migration strategy highlighted.
    The Didit global migration screen with the migration strategy highlighted.
  4. The Didit global migration screen with the notifications section highlighted.
    The Didit global migration screen with the notifications section highlighted.
  5. Click the “Start migration” button.

    The Didit global migration screen with the start migration button highlighted.
    The Didit global migration screen with the start migration button highlighted.
  6. After the migration progress screen, you will see a confirmation screen which will also show any errors.

    The Didit global migration confirmation.
    The Didit global migration confirmation.

Checklist task status mapping

Checklists for Jira StatusDidit task status
OpenTo do
In progressTo do

Link to this page: https://seibert.biz/migratechecklistsforjiraglobal